
A Bunch of Pumpkins in Three Colors

How can Exercise be Medicine?

By pwsbuilder / July 22, 2023 / Comments Off on How can Exercise be Medicine?

I have always found that there are two times during the year that we think about making lifestyle changes: New Year’s Eve with its resolutions, and the Fall, which reflects back to the beginning of the next school year when we were children.  Any movement is good; thoughtful planned movement is better.  It needs to…

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A person holding the head of a newly born baby

What is Cranial Osteopathy?

By pwsbuilder / July 22, 2023 / Comments Off on What is Cranial Osteopathy?

Every August, since 2014, my DO colleagues and I have taught an intensive 5-day 40-hr Cranial course to a new generation of osteopathic medical students and other professionals at Midwestern University.  How do we explain what happens when performing this medical technique? If you would like to experience this technique, let Dr. Worden know at…

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Ever wonder why the philosophy of Osteopathic Medicine differs from that of other physicians?

Ever wonder why the philosophy of Osteopathic Medicine differs from that of other physicians?

By pwsbuilder / July 1, 2023 / Comments Off on Ever wonder why the philosophy of Osteopathic Medicine differs from that of other physicians?

The philosophy of Osteopathy is based on 4 principles set forth by Dr. Andrew Taylor Still in 1874: Dr. Still was an MD on the union side during the Civil War. The standard of care of medicine of that day was to perform non-sterile surgeries (plagued by infections as they did not yet know about…

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